Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Land Art Design

Land Art Design


The reason why our group has chosen the Celtic spiral knot is because this design follows the golden ratio law. Also this design is very interesting and would be cool to see from an over head view in the landscape. it may seem difficult to do since the lines must be perfect and there are so many curves, but it will be worth the challenge. to do this landscape art design Matthew, Brittany, Erik and I will go out to Erik's house and draw this design in the snow. the field that we use must be at least 15X15 ft since our design will be 10X10 ft, to do this design we will use shovels, measuring tapes and spray paint to mark areas. to take this picture we will capture it through a window in Erik's house.

Celtic Spiral Knot

On Wednesday February 26, 2014 Brittany, Erik and I all met at Erik's house to do our design. we found a flat area out at Erik's house where we could do our design. so we all put on snow shoes and mapped out a square that was 15X15 ft where we could put the spiral knot inside of it. after we had our square laid out we found the spots of interception of the square and the spiral knot and started to make the three spirals by walking in the snow with snowshoes. doing so one person would have to walk out the design in the snow (Me), another person would need to guild the person stomping out the design in the snow to where they would need to go (Brittany), and the final person would need to pack the snow behind the person mapping out the design in the snow (Erik). when the three spirals were finished we continued the lines towards the center of the spiral knot where they would all connect together. Once the spiral knot was finished we all went around the design and fixed any imperfections so then it would look better. Erik's mom then found a tall snow pile to stand on and take a picture since Brittany, Erik and I did not have a good enough camera to capture our land art design in the snow. Our land art design was interesting to do since it was hard to walk around in the snow and properly get the design laid out in the snow, but eventually we figured out a technique that allowed us to get the proper curves in the design for the spirals and that was to have someone guild the walker through. after that we were able to get the proper curvatures in the snow.     

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